Tuesday 9 May 2017

The Dybbuk

Yesterday night was in the mood of some horror and i was thinking of it. Religion has been a topic that i have been obsessed with lately. Well sometimes dealing with horror religion has a side too. Religions like Judaism and Christianity talks of such entities. Bible has reference to negative energy. Negative energy has been linked to demons like Belzebub, Legions and many in sacred texts. Encyclopedia Judaica has a whole reference to negative energy one is surrounded with.

Getting to the point - What if some one really encounters such entities in real life ?

It may prove that there is a clean positive energy like GOD.

Well as a trained mind and taking things with a hint of salt one cannot really disapprove negative energy unless he/she is damm sure. A lot of  miraculous cures in Medicine have been sometimes linked to supernatural energy. Many doctors acknowledge God in their cabins saying Doctor treats and God heals.

Talking in terms of existence of God, original sin/actual sin one can may be conclude its existence if they come in contact with negative energy. Negative energy has been linked to unclean spirits. Sin makes a spirit unclean. Unclean spirits wander/hover and like to cling to people.

One has to be really careful in terms of sin if they encounter such things. Jews with their Levitical laws during the day of Atonement  make a sin offering. They put their sins on a sheep and chant Azazel which is otherwise a unclean spirit.

Anyways in reference to all such paranormal/supernatural events there are few people who claim its existence. Sam Raimi in the movie Possession made it very clear that his movie is Inspired by true events. If such negative energy truly exists in real life then there is without a doubt an existence of God.

There are other people to who have made such movies but have not made claims for it to be true.

Either way if such negative energy exist it has a lot to do with Sin. Sin creates negative energy.

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