Thursday 30 August 2018


Slumbering realms of sensibility which can be coaxed into wakefulness by Books


I owe all my knowledge to the German Inventor Johannes Guttenberg (1398-1468)

Guttenbergs Invention; Influential person in the past 1000 years

Guttenberg Invention: Printing Press

Before the printing press in 1450

Cave Paintings: 33,000 years old

Cave Paintings followed by Hieroglyphs used by Ancient Egyptians

Hieroglyphs followed by Greek Inscriptions

Before Printing Press books were written by hand, mainly by monks 

Books were expensive to produce. 

If a book was to survive, it had to be copied over and over

Handwriting a book down to Woodblock Printing

Process of Woodblock Printing did not change until Gutenberg

Modern Media as we know

Johannes Guttenberg invented the First Printing Press in 1455

Johanes Guttenberg mixed oil and soap together to make Ink

First Printed Book Known To Man: Bible

He made 180 copies of the Bible

49 Copies survive today

Guttenberg Bible (Printing Press) brought the Reformation

Printing Press in 1455 to Reformation of 1517

Reformation - Information: Moment that changed the World

Facts: Printing Press

Reformation: Roman Catholic Church To Modern Church as we know

Printing Press: Reformation To Freedom Of Press

Freedom Of Press: Ideals Of Enlightenment

Freedom Of Press To Books/Magazines/Posters/News Papers

Guttenberg: Father Of Modern Media

Printing Press To Social Media 


Paper 1800 BC  To Printing Press 1440 AD


Orexin: Wakefulness

Orexin: Story

1998: IUPHAR  searching for new signalling molecules independently discovered


Sakurai, Yanagisawa named these peptides Orexin A and B 

Orexins were thought to promote feeding 

Orexins comes from Orexis (Greek word for apetite)

Later Orexins were strongly associated with Sleep/Wakefulness

Neurotransmitters in Wakefulness and Sleep

Melatonin (Sleep) VS Orexin (Awake)

Orexins: Wakefullness/Food Intake/Energy Metabolism

Orexin in CNS

Human Brain contains 50K-80K orexin producing neurons

Orexins present in lateral and posterior hypothalamus project in arousal regions

These neurons have projections to the arousal regions we just saw, mainly the locus ceruleus and the tuberomammillary nucleus.

Orexin System: Wakefulness/Arousal

Orexin in Human Pathology

Narcolepsy: Deficiency of Orexin production in the Brain

Tuberomammilary Nucleus: Wakefulness Promoter

Tuberomammilary Nucleus: Coffee House Of The Brain

Lateral Hypothalamus: Orexin 

Stimulants Known To Promote Wakefulness and Arousal

Prescription Meds

Modafinil: jumpstarts the Brain

Other Widely Known Stimulants

Coffee: Universal Stimulant

Apart from coffee Prescription Stimulants used
