Friday 20 July 2018


Mind - Body - Emotions - Behavior 

Mind (Decision) - Body (Actions) 

Emotions (Reaction) - Values (Behavior)

Eg: Stress

Mind (Negativity) - Body (Headache) -Emotion (Loss of confidence) - Behavior (Restless)

Mind - Body Medicine 

Mind Body Medicine: Focuses on the interaction between Mind and Body 

Classification of Mind Body Medicine 


Biofeedback is a  technique of using devices to monitor body functions

It is an attempt to gain voluntary control over involuntary functions

Principles Of Biofeedback 

Biofeedback: Mechanism Of Action

Biofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback can take back the stress on visualizing stress

Stress To Relaxation with Biofeedback

Biofeedback can alleviate pain 

Why Biofeedback Works 

Immediate feedback leads to faster learning of self regulation techniques

Biofeedback is effective for 

Improvising Biofeedback with Smart Devices


Good Health: Individual Self Care (Mind-Body Medicine)

1 comment:

  1. Biofeedback equipment has many applications including stress management, pain management, and peak performance. When you decide that you want to make a purchase there are several things to consider
