Monday 26 February 2018

Placebo: (Black Madonna Of Altotting)

Placebo: Anything that seems to be the real medical treatment  but isnt

The Placebo Effect

A positive effect or cure produced by a placebo

Placebo Effect Complicates

It is all in your head

Placebo: Sugar Pill

Another name of Placebo may be a Pilgrimage 

Black Madonna Of Altotting

A healing miracle and an extraordinary image of the Virgin Mary triggered a pilgrimage movement 

It started in Altötting in Bavaria more than 500 years ago, which is still undertaken today. 

Around a million pilgrims a year come to see the "Black Madonna" in the Shrine of Our Lady,

 The hope is that she will hear their pleas and prayers.

Altötting is considered a centre of faith and religious devotion, and is one of the six Shrines of Europe, some of the continent's major places of pilgrimage. 

Pilgrims from all over the world travel here to visit the Shrine of famous "Black Madonna" 

1. The first documented healing in Altotting was in 1489. 

A drowned body was said to have been miraculously brought back to life. 

Another similar miraculous healing occurred a few years later and involved another young person, this time a child had been crushed under a cart. Once again, a distraught mother brought her child to the chapel and, once again, the child was restored to life.

Very quickly, the Shrine of Our Lady of Altotting became famous throughout Germany, drawing crowds from near and far to present their prayer petitions in a place where two miracles had already occurred.

To this day, a million people each year visit the town of Altotting asking for Heavenly help
Many have often found a permanent cure with  physical problems or life-threatening illnesses.

Without the expectation of Pain Relief you cannot have a Placebo Effect.

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