Sunday 7 January 2018

Who Moved My Cheese: Dr Spencer Johnson, Kenneth Blanchard

One is definitely in trouble when you dont want to change thinking that you know everything.

One must see the obvious and do what works when things around you change.

Those who fail to adjust to new changes will eventually end up loosing it all.

Afraid of change and resistance to change is how it has been. Coping mechanism to handle unexpected changes is the way to go.

Simple and Complex represent parts of ourselves. Complex brain and human emotions complicate things. It would be to our advantage to do simple things when things change.

Stimulate your thinking by interpreting life the way it is and apply logic to whatever one has learned so far. It is to our advantage to learn to adapt in a world that is constantly changing. Adapting in time to changing can lead to something better. One has to find their own way after all in changing times.

Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered but a maze of passages through which we must see our  way lost and confused now and again checked in a blind alley but always if we will have faith a door will open for us not perhaps one that we ourselves would ever have thought of but one that ultimately proves good for us.

The best laid schemes of mice and men go astray.

Who moved my cheese ???????????

1. Comfortable: Confidence turning into arrogance of success
2. Paying attention to small details every day and not taking things for granted.
3. The more important cheese is to you the more important to hold on to it
4. Comforting lies dont work.
5. Life starts out of the comfort zone
6. Doing the same thing over and over wont change things. Denial makes it harder to accept life. Things changed are never the same again. Thats Life. Life moves on and that is how it should be.
7. Fear paralyzes you
8. Paint a picture of seeing yourself with a smile on your face
9. Laugh at yourself when you look silly.
10. If you dont change you become extinct.
11. Fearful beliefs immobilize and kill you.
12. When you are afraid things are going to get worst it can prompt you into action. It is not good when you are afraid and keeps you from doing nothing.
13. Get out of the comfort zone and adapt to change sooner. Better late than never. If people move on so can you.
14. Looking out and anticipating change will not take you by surprise.
15. Learn to manipulate empty feeling of disappointment that sets in.
16. You are running down because you are weighed down by fearful beliefs.
17. Fear makes things worse. When you stop being afraid you feel good. The fear you built on your mind is worst than the situation that already exists. 
18. IMAGINATION IS EVERYTHING. Its all in your head.

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