Friday 23 December 2016

Interesting Reads - The Y Chromosome and Stereotypes

Like it or not Blame the Y chromosome when it comes to being stereotyped. I still remember the scene from  a American TV series My name is Earl. He was eagerly awaiting the birth of his children and was unaware of tragedy that is going to befall him. To his surprise he sees a black kid coming from his White wife. He then eventually realizes that he was being cuckolded by his black friend. For some reason i don't know i love the word CUCKOLDED. Like it or not Karma is a Bitch is what the series was about. Karma follows you and gets you. I see the same thing when it comes to being stereotyped because of ones Y chromosome. Karma of anothers Y chromosome also follows you.

Ones father takes total responsibility if his offspring turns out to be a male. Y sex chromosome makes you a male and one inherits specific male characteristic from his father.  The Y chromosome possesses the H-Y antigen which is responsible for the development of Testes. Testes produces hormones responsible for masculinising effects. 

I feel that Y chromosome is also responsible for a mans behavior in this male dominated world. Man is a trained monkey and inherits values from his parents. There is nothing more one can say about it. I saw the recent movie TARZAN played by the Swede Alexander Skarsgard. Like it or not a blue eyed Nord too will behave like a monkey if he lives with them. TARZAN - Wonderboy should  take total credit only because of his environment. If he can jump like a monkey is because the other monkeys around him taught him how to jump. Upbringing of any human being is directly proportional to environment he is bought up in. Another movie Tropic Thunder talks about a bunch of Eastern Dacoits. A child in it too which Ben Stiller likes is a Dacoit as his parents are one. Orange is the New Black is a good show if one needs to learn of Stereotypes. 300 is another movie too. Good upbringing and training can make you a warrior. Like it or not at the end of the day all have to fight for their survival.

In a way this famous line says it all. When in Rome do as the Romans do. The article i was going through talks about stereotypes in different parts of the world. One cannot really come out to of the Stereotype Tag associated with nationality, religion or a individual state of a nation. A couple of individual nations were dealt with in this article.

England: Men and Women in this country love to queue up for the simplest of things and in the worst of times. Be it groceries, post office, bus stops, accident sites. English cannot tolerate queue jumping. English also like to have their own space and not be interfered in their personal lives.

Finland: Finns like spending time in their Saunas. They love the idea of Sauna and have it all over their  country. They like it so much to a point that many have a sauna in ones own residence. On the note of Sauna  many dont like hot air in public life. Finns dont like the idea of small talk and talk only when necessary. One should not be surprised if ones conversation are punched by lengthy silences. They also refrain from hugging and kissing.

France: French love the formal form of address and greeting. Greeting often accompanies cheek kissing. For me personally if in France i would prefer the French kiss, One big sloppy smackaroo.

Germany: Industrious/Orderly/Disciplined/Punctuality are the notable virtues of a German. German definition is made up of these words. They have a catchy line too that they themselves remind them of  who they are Funf Minuten Vor Der Zeit ist des Deutschen Pünktlichkeit (In Germany being punctual means being five minutes early).

Italy: Dining with the Italians is not which one may assume in spite of one going to many Italian restaurants. First course (Primo) hs to be the Pasta dish followed by the main course which includes meat and fish. The total bill in a restaurant is divided with the number of people in it and not the individual orders

Polish; Polish men are Gentlemen. They are brought up from an early age to be compliant and courteous towards women.

Spain: Men like to create a racket. They talk loudly and like it. Many do it deliberately. Few blame Christopher Columbus for it. Christopher Columbus spotted the new word and yelled Tierra.  Tierra means new world in Spanish. I like it when one remember their forefathers for who they are Christopher Columbus

Brazil: Men are often spotted to be fresh showered ad well dressed. They like their aftershave and perfume.

Mexico: They have a lot of personality traits like a Indian. It is unusual for them to be on time. One should make sure to turn half an hour later.

USA: Americans like to chat/small talk and like a good anecdote that they can tell to their friends. Altough one should not to do that in elevators and make eye contact with any.

Australia: Men prefer being outdoors and love their barbecue. They dont prefer formal greetings. They start a line with Mate and end it with it.

Chinese: They love to show their appreciation to their food. One does not like disregard the cuisine they have.

Japan: Need for cleanliness and hygiene is at the very core of national identity. Few like having slippers for every room and even in their toilets. No common slippers are ever used indoors.

Thailand: Thais believe that one should never loose self control. Showing signs of anger is a taboo. Many prefer a smile on their lips.

Talking about Stereotypes it is funny that Birth of a Jew unites many and bring people together in celebrating Christmas. Rudolph the red nose reindeer too has a lot of its individual personality trait that separates him from other species of deers.

Traits of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

1. Reindeers have the widest feet of any deer.

2. Reindeers are the only mammal that can see UV light.

3. New born reindeers can outrun an Olympic Sprinter. They walk immediately and can run after 90 minutes of their birth. I have heard of horse racing but there is a thing called reindeer racing which is a sport in Scandinavia.

4. Reindeers of both sexes can grow Antlers. Altough males loose their antlers at the end of their mating season.

5. New study also points that Reindeers may have a significant part in slowing down Climate change.

With this i would like to conclude by quoting views of Shashi Tharoor

"If you dont know where you came from, how do you know where you are going."


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