Sunday 11 December 2016


The mind could be divided into three systems: the conscious mind, subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind. As part of this theory, Freud believed the mind was composed of three parts: the id, ego, and superego. The preconscious mind is an important part of this process. The preconscious contains thoughts that are unconscious but can be easily recalled.

I have a story that deals with the preconscious state. Preconscious as i put it is one who knows it will always know it. It is a fact that registered in the unconscious that can be easily recalled. I have read an interesting story that deals with the preconscious state of affairs. 

Ian Burkhart broke his neck diving into a wave in 2010. He had no idea 4 years later that he would make history as as the first quadriplegic in the US to regain control of his limbs using his own thoughts. This guy has made efficient use of his preconscious state of mind. Story goes that he enrolled in Ohio State University for an experimental study. His injury had severed the communication pathway between the motor cortex in his brain and the muscles in his limb. In the experiment a small microchip smaller than the size of a pea was placed in the motor cortex which controls the hand. The chip was connected via a computer to an electrode studded sleeve on Burkharts arm that stimulated his muscles. His thoughts alone had a new bypass to his hand. I call the brain a Pandora's box and a lot is to be known. 

Well one can have access to the conscious, subconscious, preconscious but not the unconscious. I seriously believe that if i can get access to my unconscious most of the work is then done. How much of a dream can one recall. I like to daydream voluntarily as many for sure. My daydreams have a vivid quality unlike the dreams at sleep which i can hardly recall. Lately i have been day dreaming a lot and am comparing it to the recall with my night dreams. Unfortunately i have made no breakthrough in recalling my night dreams.. I seriously envy those who get clear day dreams on their own when they are awake. There have been stories that one has predicted a war breaking out and declined taking a job in the given area believing his dream. Believe it or his dream worked and thanked heavens for saving his life. Sounds like Joan of Arc although it is true and many vouch for it with their life. I believe few have the gift of getting such a dream and i take them seriously with less doubt. 

Well i have been going through a piece which talks about what a dream can tell about you as a person. 

1. Creative people are more likely to dream of unusual settings dealing with obstacles in the natural world that they cant get around. 

2. Conservatives have mundane realistic dreams and liberals have more bizarre dreams.

3. Frequent nightmares suggest future heart attacks and irregular heart beats. 

4. Dream including a monster, stranger, giant tidal wave could indicate that you are afraid to deal with something in life. 

5. Divorced people have dramatic dreams about their old relationships.

6. Ones who worship frequently recall having fewer dreams. 

7. Type A personalities have disturbing dreams than laid back folks.

8. Depressed people start dreaming much sooner than others as early as 45 minutes after starting falling asleep. 

9. The closer a person is to passing more likely they are to dream about loved ones. 

10. Apart from that drugs cause bad dreams which include antidepressants, antibiotics, statins and some antihistamines. This should not be taken into account i guess. 

Well i strongly believe in dreams. Lately i had a vivd dream (non -voluntary) after many years  about a female who i met in college. I dont know how much does  that mean. If i have to look at it with facts it means nothing. End of the day it is the big data and statistics that determines the credibility of a dream. The Bible has a other story to say with Joseph, Pharoh and his dreams. All Joseph had to do interpret those dreams without stats which was acted upon. In real world one unfortunately cant act, either it means everything or nothing. 

Like it or not Human brain for now is to stay a mystery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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