Monday 19 December 2016

Interesting Reads; Heimlich maneuver

Some secretly desire their enemies/assholes to choke on their food/vomit. Many should have felt that atleast once in their lives. As far as i am concerned, i strongly believe that such a thing can happen and one should never think of such a thing. This can have deleterious effects in ones own life. I have had mild experiences of getting choked with food but nothing unreasonable. Seeing things from where i am coming i can understand the plight of any given person choking on his own food. Sounds scary when it comes to choking on food but such a phenomenon is out there and many never know how such a thing happens. I feel that it is important to concentrate while eating just like driving. Talking while eating can cause it or precipitate it. I try but at times it is not possible and i should concentrate while eating. One being in his pink of health can loose everything in a matter of seconds.

There was a time in medicine where if one choked on his food and dies it was then considered to be a  heart attack. One should thank heavens/God to give Henry Heimlich the insight to investigate this growing phenomenon which was predominantly seen in restaurants. I think if it was death in restaurants  that made him tick. Hence i feel that one should not talk while eating and concentrate on his bolus. Thanks to Henry Heimlich his maneuver has saved thousands of lives. I should really respect this man to look into and investigate this phenomenon. Yesterday 18/12/2016 this great man passed away leaving behind wealth of information for mankind to cherish.

First recorded save with the use of Heimlich maneuver by a non medical person was in Washington who came to a neighbors rescue after reading a story about it. Reading and gaining information thus help. Thus the saying "A Wise man has many friends a rich man enemies".

Ronald Reagan is among the famous who was saved by this maneuver. He was saved by his aide during his presidential campaign in 1972.

Heimlich came up with the maneuver during that time and it took 10 years to gain recognition in the medical community. Heimlich received a Lasker award by 1984 for his work. His anti choking technique was officially accepted by the Red Cross in 1996. This technique can also be used to clear mucous from lungs.

Origins of Heimlich maneuver

Popular Wisdom: Repeated slapping of the back of persons struggling with choking was often used to clear choking/obstruction to the passage of lungs. Heimlich believed that back slaps could forward the blockage together,

Heimlich Experiment: To prove his technique - He took anesthetized dogs blocked their windpipe with hunks of meat attached to strings in case of emergency. By doing this he figured out the current application which we all use today. Rescuer must stand behind the choking victim, Apply the thumb side of a fist to a spot just under the diaphragm and between the lungs. By pushing sharply on the spot a surge of air from the lungs would expel the blockage.

One who had to go through the process of choking should most importantly thank Heimlich for saving his life. A technique requiring no equipment/strength and minimal training has changed lives.

From my end a big thank you to Heimlich for coming up with something and RIP.


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