Monday 12 August 2024





            Tolypocladium inflatum Gams from  Hardanger Vidda in Norway.

                                                      First Successful Use Of Cyclosporin

                                     Patients Of  Liver Transplantation Without Rejection

Despite its obvious potential, liver transplantation bore the label “feasible but impractical” until Starzl combined cyclosporine with dose-maneuverable prednisone in the same algorithmic strategy that he had used to exploit azathioprine 2 decades earlier.

Eleven of the first 12 liver recipients treated in Colorado with cyclosporine-based immunosuppression during 1979-80 survived for more than one year.  In December 1980, Starzl moved from Colorado to the University of Pittsburgh where the efficacy of cyclosporine was established for transplantation of all of the other major organs. 



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