I never think much while disposing a empty bottle in trash.
I dont care about the bottles fate.
The simple reason is why should i ?
It is until today that my actions have ignited a spark in me.
A simple water bottle if not recycled will out live man 9 times.
Man is built for 100 years. Plastic bottle is built for 900 years.
I came across a list of trash that can easily outlive man rationally speaking unless he is Jesus.
50 years for Styrofoam cups to decompose.
50 years for Leather.
200 years for aluminium cans.
450 years for Disposable Diapers.
10 Thousand years for glass bottle.
I wonder how Jesus really made it through biologically (Human) speaking even if they call him the Son Of God. He has to be a meta human like Superman, Wolverine or Wonder Woman in order to qualify. We takes meta humans as entertainment and organised religion revolving around it seriously.
Without Science Jesus should be in this world for 2000 years or more like Wonder Woman. Jesus as a Dead Human God makes no sense if Science is applied to it.
Applying Science to current notion of worshiping a Dead Zombie made to be God defies logic and common sense. The reasons are self explanatory after seeing this picture. Jesus born in plastic flesh can only stop this process.
The few points i got today on Human Decomposition: Scientific(Applies to Humans Only)
The first external sign of putrefaction is a greenish discolouration of the skin over the caecum. It lies fairly superficially where the contents of the bowel are more fluid and full of bacteria.
The colour results from the conversion of hemoglobin in blood to sulphmethemoglobin by hydrogen sulphide formed in the large intestine escaping into surrounding tissues.
The colour appears within 12-18 hours in summer and 1-2 days in winter.
During putrefaction discoloured natural fluids and liquefied tissues are made frothy by gas. Due to presence of gas in the abdomen diaphragm is forced forwards compressing the lung and heart that allows blood stained froth exudates from mouth and nostril which is known as post partum purge.
Asphyxia decomposes the body rapidly.
Putrefaction is delayed after death due to wasting diseases, anemia, debility and poisoning with heavy metals, zinc chloride, carbolic acid and strychnine. It is commonly attributed to the preservative action of such substances on tissues or their destructive or inhibitive action on organisms which influence decomposition.
Prostate is the last organ to putrefy in males. In females non gravid uterus is the last organ to putrefy.
Late signs of Decomposition
Adipocere is a modification of putrefaction in which fatty tissues of the body changes into a substance known as adipocere. It is seen commonly in bodies immersed in water or in damp warm environment.
Adipocere has a rancid or a unpleasant sweetish smell. It occurs as a result of hydrolysis and hydrogenation of pre existing fats into higher fatty acids which later combine with calcium and ammonium ions to form soluble ions that resist putrefaction
Mummification is eventually the last process that takes place after adipocere formation.
Snap Shot of Decomposition (Post Mortem)
I know that Dead People speak after seeing Bones an American Sitcom.
Casper Dictum estimation of the time of death since death.
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