Sunday 13 November 2016

Supernatural season 12, episode 5 - The one you have been waiting for

Saw something interesting today from a post by someone which states 1 =1+1= 3. I knew what that means in my own way. May have a meaning only for those who dont know anything. I know that there are people who dont know beyond the above formula because they dont want to know or they are happy with what they know. It does not mean that there are people who dont want to know. I always feel that death is the answer to all questions not known to man. 

So far when it comes to death man has come up with few  strange words 

Necromania: An abnormal tendency to dwell with longing on death.
    Necrophilia An abnormal fondness for being in the presence of dead bodies. Sexual contact with or erotic desire for dead bodies.

Necromancy The supposed practice of communicating with the dead, especially in order to predict the future.

Well of all these strange words necromancy was a word which i discovered long time ago.  I have been seeing series Supernatural for quite a long time. I have gone through Leviathans, Lucifer, Abbadon, Darkness, Shape shifters, Vampires, Werewolves  as antagonists in the series and the list can go on and  on. None of it will actually make any sense in the real world. Nothing of such a entity can ring a bill in my head. The episode that deals with necromancy is apart from them. I feel there are few curious people who definitely want to know the unknown and get the future. In real life there are tarot card readers, astrologers and what not. I too have come in contact with such people at my own will  for the fun of it within limits. Well for many and me at times it all seems a joke, Necromancy was serious business for the Nazis. 

Al tough today i have seen something really interesting in Supernatural season 12 episode 5 that actually matches relevant historic records. I guess series Supernatural has got something relevant in this particular episode. People do write about it with context in real life and real people. (Wikipedia, Books and Videos). The first episode dealing with such a subject was in Season 9 2013 dealing with Thule society and Golems (Jewish mystic). At that time it did not make such a impact in me cos i thought it as fantasy. Later i realized such a society did exist after seeing a documentary that dealt with Nazis and Occult in YouTube. Nazi symbols and ideologies many of it were borrowed by beliefs held in such a ideology. May be that is why i feel that this episode definitely means a lot because of its context with real people talking about in the real world. I have no curiosity in exploring it though it is good to keep an open head and not reject it blatantly if such a topic ever comes up. I guess if they have it many will have their own dirty little secrets and should be best kept at ones discretion.

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