Sunday 7 July 2024

Parthenium Hysterophorus


Parthenium hysterophorus: A tale of global invasion over two centuri 
Congress grass, Parthenium hysterophorus L., of the family Asteraceae (tribe: Heliantheae), is an erect and much branched annual or ephermeral herb, known for its notorious role as environmental, medical, and agricultural hazards. It is believed to have been introduced into India and Australia from North America and in the last few years the weed has emerged as the seventh most devastating weed in Africa, Asia, and Australia

Ever since parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) first left its native range more than two centuries ago, this noxious herb has now invaded 46 countries and territories. The weed has expanded its range from a couple of islands in 18th Century through 11 minor and eight major introductions around the world.


Uses Of Parthenium Hysterophorus 
Airborne Contact Dermatitis 
Parthenium Hysterophorus 











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