Sunday 23 June 2024



Clarithromycin was invented by researchers at the Japanese drug company Taisho Pharmaceuticals in 1980. 

The product emerged through efforts to develop a version of the antibiotic Erythtomycin  that did not experience acid instability in the digestive tract, causing side effects, such as nausea and stomachache. 

T'aisho filed for patent protection for the drug around 1980 and subsequently introduced a branded version of its drug, called Clarith, to the Japanese market in 1991.

 In 1985, Taisho partnered with the American company Abbot Laboratories for the international rights, and Abbott also gained FDA approval for Biaxin in October 1991. The drug went generic in Europe  in 2004 and in the US in mid-2005.


Clarithromycin: H Pylori Eradication 


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