Wednesday 14 September 2016

Water - The Elixir of Life

Water is the formless potential out of which creations emerged. It is the ocean of unconsciousness enveloping the island of consciousness. Water bates us at birth and again at death. It is by turns the elixir of life or the renewing rain or the devastating flood.

Water washes away sins - If it would be that simple. Getting water aint simple so washing sins with water easily does not make any sense. Having all the money on earth and no water makes no sense. Water is currency in a way if there is hardly any fresh water reserve left.

Either way i find this current dispute between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka interesting

Cauvery water dispute: Supreme court passes a verdict on September 5 to release 15 k cusecs of water to Tamil Nadu. The river starts in Karnataka and ends in Tamil Nadu. I dont know if i can limit the use of Oxygen only to me and not share it with others around me. Unless and until if it is not made by you or hold patents to a product you really cant do much about it. You cannot defy nature and geography. It does not make any sense but when it comes to water all makes sense. Water is currency/money exchange. Economy directly depends on the amount of fresh water in possession.

India is a land of possibilities. Interesting is that even if the courts favors the defendant there can still be problems. One has to deal with it when confronted. Business establishment suffer huge losses. People start setting things on fire. Vehicles and property of the neighboring state and within state destroyed. People who are trying to make ends meet suffer losses when hell breaks loose. All what i have learned when it comes to dealing with resentment you will have to soak all of it and do nothing about it. Being a animal and loosing touch with humanity may work or else forget it. In this case it worked as contingents of curfew police tried their best to bring things back to normalcy.

Being at rest by relying on them is not all assured. The very fact to prove this statement is the Syrian crisis. Certain factions have many fucktions that dont match with yours. Conflict of interest and brawl for the cup of life begins.

Cynical/Skeptical is all what you end up being when this happens to everyone as a  person. Until then it is a beautiful world and no one really cares if the other man around you lives or dies.

Battle of Water and Battle for Life both are two sides of the same coin. Fools suffer fools.

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