Thursday 21 May 2020



Brain Boosters Enhancing Cognitive Peformance

NZT in the movie Limitless is a Nootropic

With Nootropics

Nootropics In The Market 

First Nootropic: Piracetam

An accidental discovery...

In the early 1960s, scientists were working to develop a form of the neurotransmitter GABA, that would be able to cross the blood-brain barrier and potentially work as a sleep aid.1).
While they succeeded in developing a molecule with the ability to enter the brain, they failed at creating a sleep aid. What they discovered instead, however, was a molecule that would later prove to be much more profound.
Like a sculptor removing parts of the stone to reveal the beauty within,2) Corneliu Giurgea, the lead scientist at the lab, and his team would work diligently to chip away at the unknowns of piracetam, to reveal the properties within it.
After 9 years of research, Giurgea had determined that this molecule (piracetam) acted in such a unique way on the higher-level, integrative activities of the brain, that in order to classify it, the creation of an entirely new classification was required: " the nootropic approach to integrative activity of the mind."

As experimental data on the neurochemical mechanisms of piracetam continued to expand, Giurgea and his team began to zero in on some overarching properties of the molecule that would come to define the nootropic class.In normal subjects, piracetam appeared to "activate efficiency of higher nervous function" and in the case of injury, piracetam appeared to "protect and/or facilitate restoration of normal brain activity."From these observations and others, Giurgea surmised that piracetam, and potentially other molecules like it, "appeared to have a selective activity upon the higher-integrative mechanisms of the brain.

Classification Of Nootropics

Gingko Bilboa - Natural Herb Promoting Memory And Learning 

Commercial Preparations Of Naturally Occurring Nootropic Herbs



To Not To Forget How The Brain Works 

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