Wednesday 19 October 2016

Marriage and Money


My post went into moderation in the forum. Well i need it to keep it for me.

Nothing good has come from any marriage that involves money. People often tend to get married keeping money in mind. Most of the times money is always kept as the denominator before getting married and it is well understood as the norm. Very few keep mental stability as the denominator. Knowing that one is getting married exchanging money future consequences of such actions are brought upon by the respective individual. I call it unprotected sex knowing that money corrupts everything it sees. You have to blame yourself if you end up getting its after effects.

Tougher laws have been in place after such incidents. For many it is nothing but a fertile ground to abuse the law in order to make things work. Many have been falsely accused and are rounding courts. Placing tougher laws makes no sense, i feel like you are punishing a individual after getting a STD.

Getting married for money or paying money and getting married has a degree of flesh trade attached unless it is legal transaction that needs to be settled. Marriage for getting laid (Fornication under the consent of the king) abbreviation of FUCK is not needed any more. There are plenty of options for both men and women if one just wants to get laid.

Marriage is a stable equation like two atoms of hydrogen coming in contact with water. It does not make sense if Hydrogen comes in contact with sulfide. If two mentally competent individuals want to get married it would be better for both to mutually come in terms for a binder/contract that should be honored before getting married. The contract should include the done things before marriage and the future risk areas which should be kept in mind in a legal contract that can be used in courts of dispute. If not one will find himself revolving in court clashes that involves things revolving around money alimony. Doing this is no remedy for the storm. Least you can do is try to avoid it knowing that such a thing exist. Prevention is better than cure. If one is not interested it is your best interest that matters and not others. You can never please all.

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