Sunday 21 April 2013

DARWIN got it  right only the fittest can survive. These very lines is a short definition of human existence. Out of million of sperms in the nutsack of every nut just one makes it through and defines the very existence of you as a person in flesh and blood. Getting in  is the biggest challenge and getting out healthy is the most important of it. TESTS have been designed since the very existence of man. Once we make it through getting rocked in the cradle to taking the first step we all have faced hurdles and finally jumped through the hoops. Academic life to gain adequate intelligence thus tests have been integrated in every walk of our life.  Ironically its not just the tests we need to face. The sad part of it is that even this has a Grade. In relationships you may be the Best Husband/Wife/Son in the world or the worst of it. What if you are in the middle of it you might not be the best or the worst but unfortunately it is either a PASS or a FAIL. Nobody knows the average JOE you have to be either good or bad and the whole very concept is integrated in our lives subconsciously. Whether it is the movies, news or any entertainment you watch. Every one knows the hero and villain and nobody knows the miscellaneous people involved in the creation of a STORY.  Majority of us fall in this category and we all have a pursuit to be the lead and be recognized in the  STORY OF OUR LIVES.  To be recognized we need to pass the tests of time we face day in and day out. I guess that goes hand in hand with academics. Either we can take the tests with a smile with a pursuit to learn and make a change in our lives or we can take it just because we have to take it.  I guess many of us have been within the intersection of both the roads. Observationally speaking the narrowest road with difficulties is the road less traveled.  If all of us just get out of our comfort zone and throw our mental roadblocks we all can walk out at the other end in our narrowest roads of life. We all made it out so far till here proves DARWIN'S  theory. Rest of it completely depends on us because the ball is always in our court. It is upto us how hard we can hit.

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