Monday 26 August 2024




Anil’s key achievement to date has been the discovery and development of Bedaquiline – the first drug to be approved in the last 45 years for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Bedaquiline has been conditionally approved in over 64 countries and has reached more than 600,000 TB patients across the world. It is on WHO’s list of ‘essential medicines’ both for adult as well as paediatric TB.

For the discovery and development of Bedaquiline, Anil was awarded by the American Chemical Society its annual ‘Heroes of Chemistry’ award in 2020 and he also received the ‘Sun Pharma Research Award’ in 2017. The J&J team was also presented with the ‘Prix Galien France' Prize for the achievement. Anil has published in leading scientific journals, such as Nature and Science among others, and holds more than 30 international patents.


Bedaquiline: Indication


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