Monday 31 December 2018


Word In Context


Recede: Going Back


Sunday 30 December 2018

Smoke and Mirrors

Something that is described as smoke and mirrors is intended to make you believe that something is being done or is true, when it is not.

                                 Smoke and Mirrors: More Style Than Substance

More Style Than Substance 


Saturday 29 December 2018

Friday 28 December 2018

Corpus Callosum

Corpus Callosum

Interconnects Left and Right Cerebral Hemisphere

Disseminates information from the Cerebral Cortex one side of the brain to another

Bridge between Believing and Knowing is Clarity


Clarity: Believing + Knowing 


Subconscious (Perception) To Conscious (Reason)

Duality Of Mind

Inward Intuition (Subjective) To Knowledge (Objective)

Subconscious Mind (Sixth Sense)

Works Unknowingly: Sixth Sense 

Subconscious Mind analyzes data in a fraction  of a second

Subconscious Mins 30 K Times > Conscious Mind

Hynosis: Bypass Consciousness and Access Subconscious


Thursday 27 December 2018


Biosphere: Atmosphere+Hydrosphere+Lithosphere

Ayalon: Natural Biosphere

In May 2006, a bulldozer working in the Nesher cement quarry on the outskirts of Ramla accidentally broke into the subterranean cavern.  
A cave was discovered in Ramla which sustains a most seldom type of ecosystem, based on bacteria that create all the energy they need chemically, from the sulfur compounds they find in the water, with no light or organic food coming in from the surface. 

Ayalon Cave: No Sunlight 

Sulfide Water Sulfur Bacteria 

Bacteria Survives In Toxic Amounts Of Hydrogen Sulphide 

The finds have been attributed to the cave's isolation, which led to the evolution of a whole food chain of specially developed organisms, including several previously unknown species of invertebrates.
