Tuesday 28 November 2017


Proclamation Of Cyrus in Hamadan 

Hamadan, Iran is mentioned in the biblical book of Ezra.

Its ancient name of Ecbatana is used in the Ezra text.

It is the place where a scroll was found giving the Jews permission from King Darius to rebuild the temple

Because it was a mile above sea level, it was a good place to preserve leather documents.

People of the book Ezra in Kurdistan

Saturday 25 November 2017

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Pearls Of Wisdom: Day 4

Remembering Indira, Commemorating her centenary
P Chidambaram, Peter Galbraith and Uday Singh Mehta

Indira Gandhi was a product of her time. She punched above her weight and oscillated at extreme lines of thought. She embodied a certain kind of real contrast from Jawaharlal Nehru. She was expelled from her party in 1969. She had to reinvent herself and find her way back. The party was again split in 1980. Twice split Congress party is now 1 party Congress formed by Indira Gandhi.

2. The God Argument, The case against Religion, AC Grayling 

Religion is guarded by common people. It is false for the wise and useful for the rulers. 

Religion is the major voice running in ones life. 

Religion has 3 aspects to it Metaphysics, Secular and Ethical 

Metaphysics: Beliefs are acquired before one can reason. Need for evidence are not tested. 

Secularism: The aim of secularism is to include all religions and be impartial. Individual choices needs to be respected. Secularism thrives on Tolerance. Ones beliefs should not impact others life. 

Humanism: Everybody is a humanist. Life is what you make it. There is no right way of doing things. Always think for yourself. 

Rationality is a claim of knowledge in a empirical realm. Rationality proves and tests the rule. 

Irrational: Every attempt to test the claim is false.

Cherry picking makes religion to survive in society. It is a alternative way to conceptualize their experience. 

With such facts in religion one has to think for himself rationally. 

3. What we cannot know, Marcus Du Sautoy

Everyone in nature desires to know. Desire to know and survive has a evolutionary advantage. 

With the existing knowledge one can never know the future. Man has built God of gaps, Chaos Theory and Hesienbergs uncertainty principle to understand the world we live in. 

4. Behind Bars, Inside an Indian Jail: James Tooley, Md Aamir Khan and Sunetra Chaudhury

One has to keep in mind the under trials languishing in Indian jails. 
One can safely say that India is a land of all possibilities. 

5. Lens Of Literature: An interplay of Israeli and Indian texts, Shimon Lev 

There are varied perceptions of India in Israeli texts. Tagore and Gandhi expressed their views on the Holocaust as humanitarians.