Wednesday 31 May 2017



Sunday 28 May 2017


Different Ramayanas, Many Different Sitas: Article
Author: Amish 
Book: Sita Warrior of Mithila

Was thinking of protocol since i opened my eyes this morning. I know for sure that i and many need a standard set of protocols/user manual to make things work. Protocols have defined and owns mankind. One has to stick to it if he/she does not want to suffer losses. What works for me should work for many is the gold standard while using protocols.

Many of the times we bend the rules to make things work. One cannot expect similar results then is well understood. In today's world organised religion is the bedrock of all law and order. Religion for me is a set of protocols that have been laid to help mankind thrive in society. If Religion works for few so it should be for the many. For me personally the whole idea baffles me. I use religion as an example based on a article written in Mumbai Mirror. The author has shed some light on different versions of Ramayana written originally by Valmiki.

Personally i am very well aware that apart from Indians there are foreigners too who like talking on Ayodhya and Ram Janma Bhoomi. Hinduism is a national religion for many South East Asian Countries. Al tough many lives in India revolve around the Ayodhya controversy till date. The Ayodhya dispute still lurks around the corner from time to time.

Supreme Court Verdict May 9, 2011.
Supreme Court of India stayed the high court order splitting the disputed site in three parts and said that status quo will remain. The two judge bench of Supreme Court remarked that the HC verdict was surprising as no party wanted a split of the site.
In spite of all the ruckus created around Ram Janma Bhoomi,  many in the county have failed to acknowledge versions of Ramayana in different parts of the world.

After living in India for  31 years it is today that i know that there are different versions of Ramayan in other Hindu Countries.

I know that there is a lot of disparity in Abrahamic religions but the story stays the same. It is today i am enlightened on different versions of Lord RAM.

I have made few brief points from this interesting article

 Different Ramayanas, Many Different Sitas.

1. Word Ramayan means Journey of RAM. Al tough it has a allographical and deeper meaning as it travels across boundaries. Change is natural when one travels across time and space. Ramayana traveled to Cambodia many centuries ago. Angkor Wat a temple in Cambodia has a 60 meter beautifully carved gallery depicting episodes of Ramayan. 

2.  Indians think of original Ramayan on the basis of a 1980 Television Series created by Ramanand Sagar. The sources used for the creation of the Television Series has got nothing to do with Valmikis Ramayan. The story in TV series was inspired by another source material RamCharitManas. 

3.  Buddhist version of Ramayan called the Dashrath Jataka had no abduction of Lady Sita at all. Ram/Laxman and Sita were sent to Himalayas for 12 years. 

4. In the Jain version of Ramayan Lord Laxman killed Raavan. 

5. Hikayat Seri Rama the Malay version of Ramayan portrays Laxman to have a larger role. 

6.  Thai version of Ramayan called Ramakien gives Lord Hanuman huge importance. Monkey God is most popular for Malaysians. 

7. Myanmar has their own version of the story called Yama Zatdaw. 

8. Indonesian version has indigenous deities like Twalen in Ramayan. 

9. Gond Ramayan/Adhbut Ramayan portrays Lady Sita to be a warrior who killed Raavan. 

10. Ancient versions show stronger side of Lady Sita that have been popular in History. Popularity declined especially in the time when India faced horrific and brutal attacks from foreign invaders. 

Lord Hanuman in Bangkok Thailand 

Angkor Wat Temple, Cambodia. 


On the note of observing the world around us one has to rely on peoples reflections. The story or the greatest lie that has been told should match objective reality. One has to get his facts straight to understand and interpret objective reality.

 The Battle of doubt perception and reality is where many stand at. All one can do is to rely on the gut feeling when things dont make sense. I find Bertrand Russel's few quotes to be interesting. One can do very well if  he/she understands Reflexivity well.

Friday 26 May 2017

Bible: Game Of Thrones: Maccabees: Revolution and Redemption

Was thinking of the first religious war that has taken place on Planet Earth. From a Western/Christian perspective i think many have taken place. The Bible has reference to Empires and Game of thrones. The Bible also talks of War and God in it. The source of all religious conflicts in the past and present has roots in the Bible. Those who inherit the earth have to live with the Human Condition man has concocted. The past and current Human condition deals with God and Identity.

I did a little digging on the History of the Bible and origins that share such violent History.  All stories relate to Fight for ones identity. The Story of Maccabees is such of a kind. The theme is on survival and identity.  The thing that i find funny is that the Book of Maccabees was not kept in the King James Version Bible.  I guess the Torah too does not have anything to do with the Book of Maccabees. I find it strange that the Book of Maccabees has no religious significance in texts. Al tough Jews acknowledge Maccabees with the Festival of Lights Hanukkah. The Catholic Bible has acknowledged the book in their Bible.

I was wondering what if there are more stories of survival and identity not known to man. Like it or not most of them have the fight of survival in it. All one can get from religious texts is about the Fight for Survival. There is nothing hunky dory about it is what i feel.  Many have to deal with the past in the present because of the importance of Religion in today's world .